Ospiti camera #2
Ospiti camera #3
Ospiti camera #4

Alcantara Gorges

Excursion of Alcantara and its surroundings

ITINERARY – ALCANTARA GORGE The Alcantara gorge is situated in the Alcantara valley in Sicily. The gorge stretches up to 25 metres high and is wide, at its narrowest point 2 metres and its widest point 4-5 metres. This natural canyon, on the contrary to common belief, is not the result of water erosion over thousands of years.

-TRAIL OF THE ‘GURNE’ (FRANCAVILLA DI SICILIA) PACKED LUNCH* The ‘Gurne’ or small lakes of Alcantara are situated in the Alcantara valley in Sicily. They consist of 16 small, round lakes formed in the lava bed of the river, all falling towards each other . Their width varies from 5 to 30 metres in diametre and their depth from 5 to 10 metres. The ‘Gurne’ are located in the vicinity of Francavilla di Sicilia near to the hilltop ruins of its castle, The last ‘Gurna’ is near the village of Fondaco motta.

Archeological digs: Le saje Le Gurne Il Castello di Francavilla Al Qantarah ( FIUME ALCANTARAM ) Il Mulino Ciappa

-BYZANTINE CHURCH + GORGES The Cuba is a paleochrisitian or byzantine chapel in Sicily, erected by basilian monks from the VII century. The gorges are situated in the terrority of Castiglione di Sicilia.

-MOUNT MOYO ( VULCANO OF MOYO ALCANTARA) Close to the town of Mojo Alcantara, lies this small vulcanic mount, 700 metres high. A path winds along the side of the volcano, reaching the summit at its crater and circling its entire circumference.

-RETURN TO THE HOTEL *Lunch is not included by the bid See offer for this excursion.