Ospiti camera #2
Ospiti camera #3
Ospiti camera #4

Staircase of Caltagirone

The scale of Santa Maria del Monte for the architectural magnificence and artistic beauty , is the emblematic monument of the city of Calatgirone. It Was opened in the early ‘600 with a clear and dramatic demolition of the medieval urban to join the plan for the new Town Hall directly to the church.

In 1606 it was placed in tiers alternating with squares,  the project manager appears to be the master builder of the  Reign Giuseppe Giacalone. From 1843 to 1845 the number of flights of stairs were unified by architect Salvatore Marino  and obtained a grand scale with steps of equal height and depth.

The designs of the risers as the crowning panel always in  polychrome majolica , located on the church square, depicting the scene of the ” Conduzione della Campagna di Altavilla””  has been made by Professor Antonino  Ragona. Recently , at the top of the Scale,  to the sides of the access ramp to the square of the Church  Santa Maria del  Monte , two panels were placed in terracotta by the artist calatino Felice Bruna Fiorentino  that depict: – to the  Right:  the miraculous apparition of St. James in the battle  of Count  Ruggero d’Altavilla against the Saracens ; – to the left:  the mythical foundation of Caltagirone by the giant Gelone.

La scale of Santa Maria del Monte  is the “jewel” of Caltagirone and thanks also to the promotion of the  Town hall , it is known throughout the world. “As evidenced by the many awards that have earned visibility and  appeal  to this city.” In 2005 and 2006, the staircase was chosen to represent  Sicily in the campaign  “island in the world”.